Personal Fitness


From time to time, we all need a little help and encouragement getting or staying in shape.

Perhaps you’re a new mom trying to lose weight and gain strength after pregnancy. Maybe you’re a lifelong aerobics enthusiast who’s been out of commission with a sprained ankle. Or your doctor recommends weight training to improve your low back pain, but you’ve never stepped foot in a gym.

No matter where you are on your fitness journey, Mercy’s sports medicine program can help. Our team includes sports medicine doctors, certified personal trainers, nutrition experts and physical therapists. We provide customized and coordinated services to meet your unique health, wellness and exercise goals.

The Benefits of Exercise

Exercise can improve your health and your quality of life. Benefits include:

  • Strengthening your muscles (including your heart and lungs)
  • Improving flexibility and range of motion
  • Building stronger bones
  • Losing or maintaining weight
  • Improving your mood
  • Increasing or maintaining energy levels

If you’re new to exercise, or it’s been a while since you strapped on your running shoes, getting started can feel overwhelming. But having a partner (or team) to coach and motivate you is often the key to success.

Strength and Fitness Training at Mercy

We’re passionate about helping people of all ages live active, fulfilling lives. That’s why we offer a variety of services to keep you healthy and strong. They include:

  • Health and fitness assessments
  • One-on-one personal training sessions. Our personal trainers will teach you cardiovascular and weight bearing exercises that fulfill your specific needs. We’ll help you learn proper body mechanics, and how to safely use strength training equipment and other fitness tools.
  • Orthopedic rehabilitation and recovery following an injury
  • Nutrition evaluation and counseling

When you’re ready to take the next step toward improved health and fitness, turn to Mercy for expert care and guidance. We look forward to helping you become the healthiest version of you.

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