
Barb Brooks wins quarterly Tulip Award

February 20, 2019

Patient Care Technician Barb Brooks was nominated three times for the quarterly Tulip Award at Mercy Hospital Jefferson.

In November a co-worker cited her cooperative spirit, and two separate patients recognized her for the time she took with them and the care she provided in December and January.

Several of her co-workers and Mercy Jefferson leaders were on hand when Barb Brooks received her Tulip Award. Several of her co-workers and Mercy Jefferson leaders were on hand when Barb Brooks received her Tulip Award.

“Barb is always calm. She communicates and works well with nurses and fellow aides. She is always helpful, does timely charting and is a joy to work with!”

“Barb always goes above and beyond with her patients. She smiles and never complains. She gave me the best of care. She is great. Even when everyone is busy, she took the time with my care.”

“Barb is such a caring person. She has been very compassionate. It makes her patients feel better when she comes into the room. She shows she cares.”

Award-winning Patient Care Technician Barb Brooks.  Award-winning Patient Care Technician Barb Brooks.

Barb received a framed certificate, flowers, a tulip pin to wear on her badge, and custom, tulip-shaped cookies to share with co-workers in her department.

Presented by the Professional Development Shared Governance Council, the Tulip Award recognizes techs and assistants as nominated by patients, visitors and co-workers. The council received 40 Tulip nominations for the quarter. 

Each nominee will receive a certificate acknowledging their nomination. 
