Urinary Incontinence FAQs

Uncontrolled urine leakage, or incontinence, is common in adults. Pelvic surgery, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause can contribute to the issue. Learn more about incontinence types and treatments.

What are the four types of urinary incontinence?

  • Stress incontinence is urine leakage with coughing, laughing and other physical exertion.
  • Urge incontinence is feeling the urge to urinate when bladder isn’t full.
  • Overflow incontinence reduces your ability to feel the urge to urinate, causing the bladder to overfill and leak.
  • Mixed incontinence occurs when you have both stress and urge incontinence symptoms.

Can a bladder infection cause urinary incontinence?

Yes, a bladder infection is a type of UTI, and UTIs can cause incontinence and other symptoms.

How do you treat urinary incontinence?

Treatment depends on the type of incontinence and may include:

  • Behavioral techniques – Scheduling toilet trips, practicing emptying your bladder, managing fluid intake and making diet changes can relieve symptoms.
  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises – Kegel exercises help with stress and urge incontinence. Ask your Mercy doctor for details.
  • Electrical stimulation – Gentle electrical stimulation can help stress and urge incontinence, but multiple treatments may be needed.
  • Medications – A wide range of medications and injectable drugs are available to treat incontinence.
  • Medical devices – Implants, insertable devices and injectable synthetic materials can be used to treat incontinence.
  • Surgery – Pelvic slings and bladder surgery are more permanent solutions for some types of incontinence.
  • Catheters, pads and protective garments – Several products are available to help with urine leakage that can’t be eliminated.

How can I avoid urinary incontinence?

While it may not be possible to prevent incontinence, there are ways to reduce your risk:

  • Avoid irritants like acidic food, alcohol and caffeine
  • Eat plenty of fiber to prevent constipation
  • Exercise and strengthen the pelvic floor
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking, or don’t start
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