Sponsorship Opportunities
Mercy is committed to supporting charitable organizations and activities consistent with our mission to improve the health and quality of life in the communities we serve. Mercy provides funds to support the outreach efforts of organizations with similar goals.
Decisions and actions are determined by Mercy’s five core values:
- Dignity: We cherish each person as created in the image of God
- Justice: We pledge to be in the right relationships with one another, with particular concern for the economically poor
- Service: We seek out and put the needs of others first
- Excellence: We give only the best for those entrusted to our care
- Stewardship: We use our talents and resources wisely to strengthen Mercy, which is a ministry of the church
Sponsorship Criteria
Mercy will consider sponsorship opportunities that meet the following criteria:
- The requester must be a not-for-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization
- The requesting organization must be located within Mercy’s service areas
- The organization’s sponsorship opportunity must be consistent with Mercy’s mission and core values and aimed at improving the health status and well-being of the community
- The activities and projects associated with the sponsorship must support Mercy’s commitment to community outreach and collaboration
Mercy does not make contributions to individuals, political parties, political or for-profit organizations.