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Perrine Kim Pham, AuD

Mercy Clinic
Perrine Kim Pham, AuD, Mercy

Perrine Kim Pham, AuD


  • Audiology

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About Perrine Kim Pham, AuD

Care Philosophy As an audiologist, my philosophy is simple: I'm here to give the gift of hearing and restore the essence of life to my patients. I'm passionate about educating them on their hearing loss or tinnitus, its causes, and their options for improvement. Seeing their joy when they experience amplification for the first time is priceless, especially when they reconnect with loved ones. I view my patients holistically, considering their engagement with family, communication needs, and overall health. Their stories and experiences motivate me, as I not only help them hear again but also learn from them every day.
  • Audiology/Speech Pathology-Northern Illinois University
  • English
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From {{ vm.profile.reviewcount }} patients
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