Course Descriptions & Academic Credits
4117 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY - 7 semester hours
Lecture and supervised laboratory instruction in pathogenic bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing with emphasis on clinical decisions and medical significance. Includes quality control, computer applications, instrumentation, quality assurance/improvement, safety and governmental regulations.
4125 CLINCAL CHEMISTRY I - 5 semester hours
Lecture and supervised laboratory instruction in biochemistry methodology and clinical microscopy with emphasis on clinical decisions and medical significance. Includes quality control, computer applications, instrumentation, quality assurance/improvement, safety and governmental regulations.
Lecture and supervised laboratory instruction in biochemistry methodology and clinical microscopy with emphasis on clinical decisions and medical significance. Includes quality control, computer applications, instrumentation, quality assurance/improvement, safety and governmental regulations.
4236 CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY - 6 semester hours
Lecture and supervised laboratory instruction in routine and special hematology studies correlating hematological findings with medical significance. Includes quality control, computer applications, instrumentation, quality assurance/improvement, safety and governmental regulations.
Lectures on immunologic (antigen-antibody) responses, serological methodology and theory of immunohematology as applied to blood groups, types, compatibility testing, and blood components. Supervised laboratory instruction in immunology and immunohematology methodology with emphasis on clinical decisions and medical significance. Includes quality control, computer applications, instrumentation, quality assurance/improvement, safety and governmental regulations.
4351 TOPICS IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY - 1 semester hour
Lectures on principles and practices of the medical laboratory including management education (health care delivery system, ethics, professionalism, communication skills, human resources and financial management), performance improvement, education methodology, laboratory information systems, safety and governmental regulations, and research design/special projects.
Total = 30 semester hours
Students must successfully complete all courses in the program to be granted 30 hours of academic credit by the hospital and/or university.
Policies and Procedures
Students are required to attend from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. One week of vacation is given at Winter Break. One week of vacation is given during Spring Break. Five holidays are observed: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day and the Fourth of July. Students are allowed five personal days off for any purpose. Any absence for any reason must be reported to the Program Director, Education Coordinator, and/or the head of the section to which the student is assigned, before 7:30 a.m. of each missed day, unless otherwise arranged. All hours beyond the above stated excused absences must be made up prior to graduation.
*Time of arrival may vary with laboratory sections.
*Time of arrival may vary with laboratory sections.
Students are given examinations weekly over didactic material. Bench work evaluation is achieved by clinical evaluation, written practical quizzes and analysis of unknown specimens.
To remain in good standing and to successfully complete the medical laboratory science program, the student must:
- maintain a 70% or above average in each section
- attain the minimum standard on all clinical rotation competencies, and
- meet acceptable affective behavioral expectations by the end of each laboratory section.
Students are automatically placed on the honor system. Documented evidence of cheating, plagiarism, or breach of confidentiality is grounds for immediate dismissal.
The following grade scale is used in reporting all scores:
- 90-100% = A
- 80-89% = B
- 70-79% = C
- <70% = Unsatisfactory
The following program policies and procedures are also available from the program director upon request:
- Program Objectives
- Essential functions/requirements
- Graduates' entry level competencies
- Advance placement and waiver of coursework
- Student withdrawal
- Service work and part-time employment
- Guidance/advisement and counseling
- Appeal process and grievance
- Appeal process and grievance
- Program schedule
- Curricular structure
- Rules and regulations
- Professional behavior
- Acceptable/Unacceptable performance, remediation, probation, remediation and dismissal