Mercy Hospital in Healdton is ranked among the top 25 percent best-performing rural, acute care hospitals in the nation. That’s according to iVantage Health Analytics and the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH), which are recognizing Mercy with a performance award based on quality of care, patient outcomes, patient satisfaction and financial strength.
“We’re thrilled to receive such an exciting national acknowledgment, especially as a rural, small town hospital,” said Jeremy Jones, Mercy Hospital administrator. “Our coworkers treat others like family and work around the clock to ensure our community has a way receive the best health care they possibly can. This award reminds all of us that we’re making a difference.”
The ranking is based on the Hospital Strength INDEX, developed in partnership by NOSORH and iVantage The INDEX provides an objective and comprehensive overview of hospital performance. Analysts use public data from 66 areas to come up with a single, overall rating for hospitals. Mercy Hospital in Healdton, which has 22 licensed beds and 4 emergency beds, is positioned in the top division.
“These top performers should take great pride in this recognition. It showcases their commitment to continuous performance analysis and improvement,” said Michael Topchik, senior vice president of iVantage Health Analytics, a national advisory and business analytic service.
