Mercy Hospital South is honoring Marykutti Valiaparampil, RN, with this month’s DAISY Award.
A patient nominated Mary by writing: “Mary deserves this award for all the good she does for everyone. I was a patient on the 7th floor in contact isolation. Mary never forgot me. She was always making sure I was eating and that I completely understood the low and high fiber diet. Her kindness and smile were very appreciated. I had become very depressed. Mary was always there to see if I needed anything. My hair was a mess. She ran around until she found things to tie my hair back. She made my stay at the hospital great, despite my being sick. She also found the chaplain to come pray with me.”

The DAISY Award is an international program to honor and celebrate nurses who provide extraordinary, compassionate and skillful care every day. The DAISY Foundation established the award in memory of Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 from complications of an auto-immune disease. The care he and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired the award. Each month, Mercy Hospital South nursing leaders choose an award winner for their facility.