Mercy Hospital South has honored Dana Matundan, RN, surgical stepdown, with its latest DAISY Award for compassionate, extraordinary nursing care.
Matundan was nominated by Lisa Matthews, who wrote this touching letter about Matundan:
"Dana was one of my mom’s nurses during her final time on earth. My mom had stage 4 lung cancer and the cancer had spread all over her body.
"My mom told many stories of Dana and what a sweet soul she is. I know that it takes a very special person to become a nurse, but Dana was caring, kind and sweet beyond words. She made friends with my mom right away. On many occasions, Dana would make my mom cookies and bring some to her. Some of her favorites were red velvet and snickerdoodles.
"On one evening, Dana even painted my mom’s toenails while they chatted at 3 a.m. These things were unbelievable. I witnessed their sweet friendship on a few occasions, and it made my heart smile. She was always kind. One particular evening, I left the room and when I came back my mom’s bed was covered in a beautiful teal and light blue paisley sheet that matched her eyes. She was beaming in happiness as she told me about it. Next to her was nurse Dana holding a bag of coconut candy – all kinds. You see, coconut was my mom’s favorite. It didn’t matter if it was a cake, cookie, pie, donuts or candy; she just loved coconut.
"As Dana walked out of the room, I followed her. I gave her a huge hug and thanked her for loving my mom... Dana is an excellent nurse, she encompasses what we all should be more like. Thank you again, Dana. Mom adored you, too. Please know you made her last days here happier!"

The DAISY Award is an international program to honor and celebrate nurses who provide extraordinary, compassionate and skillful care every day. The DAISY Foundation established the award in memory of Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 from complications of an auto-immune disease. The care he and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired the award. Each month, Mercy Hospital South nursing leaders choose an award winner for their facility.