Mercy Kids Nutrition Therapy Services

Eating is a very important and necessary part of everyday life. Eating should also be a low-stress, simple part of the day, but at Mercy Kids Therapy Services and Autism Center, we understand that’s not always the case. Some children may struggle with certain textures, tastes, food groups, weight gain or weight loss. Mercy Kids Therapy Services and Autism Center has an outpatient registered and licensed dietitian nutritionist available to help children with many different conditions and diagnoses such as:

  • Feeding difficulties
  • Food allergies
  • Specialty diets
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Weight management (failure to thrive, obesity)

Mercy Kids dietitians aim to provide you and your child with the knowledge to eat a well-rounded, nutritious diet and maintain a healthy body weight. Dietitians use their knowledge of growth patterns, food, and metabolism to help families identify foods and strategies that will help your child grow and thrive all throughout their life.

Our Services