Child Incontinence FAQs

Kids with urinary incontinence involuntarily pass urine throughout the day, even though they’re potty trained. The condition affects about one in 10 kids ages 5 and older.

How often should a child urinate daily?

After age 3, kids urinate about 12 times daily. As they grow and their bladders mature, they urinate about four to six times daily.

What causes frequent urination in a child?

Frequent urination occurs when kids urinate in short intervals from 10 to 30 times daily. Experts believe the issue is related to stress and may go away on its own within two to three weeks. An overactive bladder can also trigger urinary frequency in kids.

Causes of frequent urination may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Caffeine consumption, which increases urine output and can cause bladder muscle spasms
  • Constipation
  • Consuming ingredients a child is allergic to
  • Holding in urine for too long
  • Small bladder capacity
  • Structural abnormalities in the bladder or urethra

What are the signs and symptoms of urinary incontinence in children?

If your child is potty trained for more than six months and starts wetting the bed, talk with their Mercy doctor. Signs of a medical issue include:

  • A narrow urine stream
  • Dribbling that’s constant or happens after urination
  • Changes in the amount or frequency of daytime urination
  • Cloudy or pink urine, or blood stains on underpants
  • Continuous dampness
  • Daytime and nighttime wetting
  • Walking problems that could signal a neurologic issue
  • Pain, burning or straining while urinating
  • Poor bowel control
  • Sudden mood or personality changes
  • Urinating after stress (coughing, running or lifting)

If your child has any of these signs, they may be referred to a urologist.

What are the long-term effects of pediatric urinary incontinence?

Bedwetting can affect kids’ self-esteem, social skills and risk of physical and emotional abuse. As adults, they may experience depression, low self-esteem and issues with school and work.

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