Panniculectomy is a type of body contouring with the goal of creating a smoother abdominal contour by removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. A panniculectomy is different than a tummy tuck. During a panniculectomy, the abdominal muscles are typically not tightened as they are during a tummy tuck.
Following dramatic weight loss, some individuals are left with a large abdominal apron of fat called a panniculus. This can cause chronic skin conditions and may significantly interfere with mobility or daily life. Additional reasons to undergo panniculectomy surgery include age, hereditary conditions as well as prior surgeries.
Panniculectomy is a major surgery that may require one or two weeks of hospitalization. Complete wound healing after panniculectomy surgery may take several months. When deemed medically necessary, this surgery may be covered by insurance.
At Mercy, we offer comprehensive services to diagnose and treat a full range of conditions, including: