Medicaid Redetermination Questions & Answers
Find the answers below to frequently asked questions about Medicaid Redetermination.
You still have options for coverage. Consult a licensed, independent insurance broker to find the best plan for your needs. You need to find other coverage options within 60 days of losing health coverage or during Annual Open Enrollment from November 1 through December 15.
STL, Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln
Virtual/phone only - (833) 337-1047
In-person/local rep: Comprehensive Benefits - (636) 333-9813
Springfield, Joplin
Virtual/phone - (833) 337-1047 | (417) 869-6464
In-person/local rep: Osborn & Associates - (417) 869-6464
Fort Smith, Northwest Arkansas
Virtual/phone - (833) 339-3859
Oklahoma City, Ada, Ardmore
Virtual/phone only - (833) 337-0831 | (405) 842-0494
In-person/local rep: MCM Insurance/Navigating Medicare - (405) 842-0494
Virtual/phone - (833) 338-1903
In-person/local rep: Comprehensive Benefits - (636) 333-9813
Check out health insurance options on the Federal Marketplace or call (833) 337-1047. In-person consultations are also available. Call to schedule.
Medicaid redetermination is how states make sure Medicaid members are still eligible for coverage.
During the pandemic, the government continued coverage for all medical assistance programs, even for people who have not renewed their eligibility or are no longer eligible. But now, members must once again complete the process every year.
States must complete Annual Renewals to make sure Medicaid members are still eligible. Before the pandemic, states sent each member a form by mail to complete and send back each year. The government didn’t do this during the pandemic, but now members must renew every year. The renewal process began on April 1.
No. Usually, you’ll complete your annual renewal around the time of year your coverage began. For example, if you were approved for Medicaid in June, your annual renewal will take place in June.
But there are some exceptions to this. That’s why watching your mail for your renewal forms is important. Every Medicaid member will get their letter sometime between April 2023 and April 2024. Members need to make sure their current contact information is up to date on their state’s website. You’ll need to do this each year.
Yes. Medicaid members of all ages (children and adults) must complete an annual renewal.
Yes. All Managed Medicaid plans are required to follow the same Medicaid Redetermination and renewal processes as the state.
Make sure your contact information is correct. You can update your contact information either online, by visiting your local DHS office, or by calling your state’s Medicaid authority. You can find more information about updating your contact information here. We can’t update your contact information for you.
You can check out health insurance options on the Federal Marketplace. Visit healthcare.gov or call them directly at 800-318-2596 within 60 days after losing health coverage or any time during Annual Open Enrollment from November 1 through December 15. You can also contact the independent brokers listed above for your state for more assistance.
Never put off getting emergency care. If you have an appointment, your provider must check eligibility and benefits before services. You may have to pay the full charge if you proceed.