Both skin grafts and skin flaps are used after surgery to close or cover wounds. Either may be used over a severe burn or when a wound fails to heal, to permanently replace the damaged or missing skin.
Typically, skin grafts and flaps have a high rate of success. But sometimes problems occur. Insufficient blood flow and oxygen supply can be caused by factors such as diabetes, age, infections or tissue damage from past radiation treatments.
What are the warning signs? You may notice symptoms such as pain or numbness, a bluish discoloration or coldness of the affected area. That means your wound has been compromised.
Mercy offers complete wound care services for treating compromised skin grafts and skin flaps.
One of the more successful treatment options is hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which involves the breathing of pure oxygen. As this therapy boosts the oxygen supply to the graft area, it can promote faster healing.
At Mercy, our team approach to care means that we coordinate your therapy with any underlying conditions you may have. Our specialists will work together to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that’s right for you, so you can heal quickly and make a full recovery.
At Mercy, we offer comprehensive services to diagnose and treat a full range of conditions, including: