Compromised Grafts/Flaps FAQs

Skin Grafts & Flaps Questions & Answers

Skin grafting is a medical procedure used to reconstruct a piece of skin that can’t close or heal completely on its own. There are many types of grafts that can be used, but generally, the skin will be taken from another area of the body and placed on the affected area. Learn the answers to frequently asked questions about compromised skin grafts and flaps.

Skin grafts and skin flaps are used after surgery to close or cover existing wounds. Typically, skin graft procedures have high rates of success, but sometimes problems can occur due to factors such as insufficient blood flow or oxygen supply. When this happens it could mean your wound has become compromised.  

Some signs and symptoms that a skin graft or skin flap has become compromised include pain or numbness around the affected area. You may also notice a bluish discoloration or coldness around the wound itself. 

One of the more successful treatment options is hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which involves the breathing of pure oxygen in a small tube or chamber. This therapy boosts the oxygen supply to the graft area, which can promote faster healing.