ST. LOUIS - Mercy Hospital St. Louis has been designated a Center of Excellence by the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) for its focus on providing the best OB anesthesia care for laboring moms.
The recognition is based on personnel, equipment/protocols/policies, Cesarean delivery management, labor analgesia, recommendations and guidelines implementation as well as quality assurance and patient follow up.

“With more than 8,500 babies born here each year, we know how important proper anesthesia techniques are for the health of mom and baby,” said Dr. Christy Morgan, clinical director of OB anesthesia at Mercy Hospital St. Louis. “This recognition highlights the great care we have always provided.”
Mercy Hospital St. Louis has an OB anesthesia team made up of five board-certified anesthesiologists, 11 certified registered nurse anesthetists and two senior anesthesia residents. The team offers all levels of analgesic, anesthetic and critical care to laboring moms.