
Newborn Weigh-In Wednesdays in Washington

March 29, 2022

WASHINGTON, Missouri - When you have a baby, worries can be constant. Among the more common concerns for new parents are baby weight gains. For breastfed babies, it can be difficult to know they are getting enough.

To address these concerns and offer a sense of community for new moms (dads/grandparents) and babies, Mercy Hospital Washington hosts Weigh-In Wednesdays. Babies are weighed to verify they are putting on weight and make sure moms feel comfortable in nursing.

“It gives moms a sense about how things are going in between doctor visits so they are reassured about breastfeeding and we can address any concerns in the moment,” said Nicki Harriman, certified lactation consultant at Mercy Hospital Washington. “For moms who are struggling with feedings, we can help them with a lactation assessment to review latch and positioning. If it is something more, we can refer them back to the pediatrician before the next scheduled visit.”

wash-mo-weigh-in-wednesday-jasper-violet-cropped Jasper and Violet's moms have been bringing them in to be weighed each Wednesday.

The visits also serve as a support group for new moms, many of whom continue to come in even if baby is gaining weight and things are going well. For moms returning to work, the group covers pumping at work, how to store bottles and any other question that transition may bring.

“The pandemic did lead us to improvise and adjust, but we evolved because moms still need the support,” Harriman said. “It’s a true blessing to be able to provide this service we started so many years back and do it again in a group setting.”

Weigh-In Wednesdays currently runs from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with three to four moms/babies every 30 minutes in order to keep some social distancing. For more information or to schedule a consult, please call Harriman at 636-239-8645.

wash-mo-weigh-in-wednesday-jasper-violet-moms-cropped Jordin Wagner and baby Jasper and along with Katie Deppermann and baby Violet recently visited Weigh-In Wednesday.