Gastrointestinal Surgery


If you’ve been diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer, your treatment plan may begin with surgery.

Mercy specialists have expertise and experience in a range of gastrointestinal surgeries, including those for stomach, gallbladder, liver and colorectal cancer. Our surgeons are skilled in using the latest surgical procedures and techniques such as minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeryrobotic surgery and endoscopic surgery.

Sometimes radiation and chemotherapy are used along with surgery. Your surgeon will help you understand what to expect from your operation or treatment plan and explain what to expect during your recovery. Whatever the treatment, your Mercy surgeon will collaborate with your primary care physician and our team of cancer specialists. 

We’ll work together to provide complete, compassionate support for all of your needs – body, mind and spirit.

You can take comfort in knowing that Mercy specialists have helped many patients through cancer surgeries similar to yours. Our goal is to provide you with the best care possible, from surgery to follow up and recovery. So that before long, you’ll get back your independence and return to the activities you love.

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